Which OStan are you?

You are Windows Milennium Edition, sometimes known as Miserable Edition. You’re a complete spaz, and you know it, but somehow your cuteness and good nature have made you the most popular OS tan.

This weird internet quiz said I'm a pirate!
This weird internet quiz said I'm a pirate!
I 	am an Auguste Clown! Click here to take the clown quiz!
I am an Auguste Clown! Click here to take the clown quiz!
I am an Auguste Clown! Click here to take the clown quiz!
heyyyy heyyyy
My gender is
activist, autistic, bioboy, bisexual, bitch, boygirl, commie, cuddly, dude, eclectic, esoteric, eyeliner fag, faggot, femmeboy, freak, full of hate, full of love, gender fluid, gender liberationist, genderfuck, guy, loving, masculine, nerd, passionate, sex positive, slut, tomboy, tranny, weird, whore
What's yours?